The UpTheBrum Summer threesome is here! 3 summer events to dazzle and excite! And the event rounding it all off is…
UpTheBrum 9 – Nine is Fiiine!
After what will hopefully have proven to be a few crazy fun nights full of new faces and new experiences, we complete the summer with what we’ve been doing best these last 18 months, a good old fashioned social! Another event, another great new venue for us, and a great event to prove age is no barrier to having a great night out with like minded people. We have exclusive use of the venue, so all very private. Smoking will be out at street level, but in a nice quiet, low footfall area.
So what do our regular events typically look like?
First up we’ll be back with speed dating. This is a great way to get to know people in person and hit the ground running. If you’re feeling nervous about the idea don’t be! Everyone wants to have fun conversations, it’s a great ice breaker, so definitely consider giving it a go. If you haven’t already… ESPECIALLY if you haven’t already!
If you speed date or not, we’ll be kicking off at 6pm and going on until late, giving you plenty of time to work the room, press the flesh and make a load of sexy new connections.
As with our previous events this is a purely social event. Make your plans here, but carry them out in your own time, away from our prying eyes. Unless you make plans with us. Then… Well… You know.
There will also be a dead classy light buffet and some form of entertainment that should be fun without outstaying its welcome.
If you are looking to book accommodation to make a night of it we recommend in and around the Jewellery Quarter.
That’s the night covered, but we’ll also have a fun, chatty Telegram room a few weeks beforehand too, another great way to get an idea of who you’ll be meeting, and how much fun it’ll be on the night. Not to forget we will arrange an informal breakfast the following day. A lovely way to decompress and relive the best moments of the night before, before Monday morning and reality hits!
Obligatory note to single guys. We keep the numbers fair and balanced and we get a LOT more guys wanting to come. If you want to make the guest list make sure your profile shows you’d be a good addition as you absolutely WILL be judged on it. Also note that guys who have come before may need to make way for new guys to have their turn. Sorry, but these are the breaks.
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Thank you for coming to UtB Summer Threesome – Nine is Fiiine!! We hope you had a great time at our event, we certainly did. If you would like to provide any feedback about ANYTHING to do with the event, other guests, food, venue, music choice... please reply to this email. We know sometimes some things and some people can bring an experience down a bit, but we can't improve if we don't hear about it. But wait, There's more... You can also use our matchmaking feature to let others you met you'd possibly like to take things further! Check out the guest list NOW and you should see a little empty star next to everyone who was there. You can click those stars. Ooooh fun! If they also star you to, you'll both get a message to let you know! Remember this is totally optional, and a lack of a match doesn't necessarily mean anything. Also remember clicking that star isn't consent to anything specific, could be just having a little online chat... could be a lot more... it's up to you. Also hot on the heels of the final event of our Summer Threesome, we have two future events open for signups. First there is our first PLAY event at Purple mamba, 20 spots left for what should be a fun and naughty night wearing a lot less and doing a lot more than our usual events. And also just this morning we have opened bookings for Xissmas, our tenth (X = ten, geddit?) major UpTheBrum social, which will be on December 2nd in the heart of Brum. It'll be a big old fun blowout, so don't miss out, go sign up today!
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