UpTheBrum – Summer 2024!
For those new to our events, we run purely social events in bars and pubs on a roughly quarterly basis. We pride ourselves on ensuring a safe, private and welcoming environment for all our guests. Depending on the given venue, we typically provide some entertainment and light food, and you provide the you. You get the whole evening to make new friends and catch up with existing ones, and see what you want to arrange for later!
We are retiring speed dating for the time being… OH NO! But we’re replacing it with SPEED CIRCUS SKILLS! Learn juggling, tightrope and lion taming in just 3 minutes! *
As with our previous events this is a purely social event. Make your plans here, but carry them out in your own time, away from our prying eyes. Unless you make plans with us. Then… Well… You know.
If you are looking to book accommodation to make a night of it we recommend in and around Digbeth.
We also run a chat group on Telegram for a fortnight before the event, which is also another great way to hit the ground running at the start of our events, as well as in our community as a whole.
So come sign up today and join our sexy, albeit Brummie, world!
Obligatory note to single guys. We keep the numbers fair and balanced and we get a LOT more guys wanting to come. If you want to make the guest list make sure your profile shows you’d be a good addition as you absolutely WILL be judged on it. Also note that guys who have come before may need to make way for new guys to have their turn. Sorry, but these are the breaks.
* Sorry, no actual Lion Taming or circus skills action, just a joke!
That said, we have booked some truly fabulous entertainment to cause much frivolity.
Aaaaaannnnd in place of speed dating we have a lucky dip, just for fun introductory service.
If you want to take part, you drop your name in the hat and choose one.
You will be introduced to whoever you pull out of the hat and later on someone might pull you out for a fun intro. It’s just to get you mingling/meeting new people but all completely optional.
Additional Details
Oversubscribe Registration - yes
Stripe Mode - live
Chat ID - -1002201069135